Sunday, February 12, 2006

crazy, crazy night.

sooooooo.....i know that y'all back east are snowed in and everything, and i'm a little bit jealous. but last night i just had the craziest time that i feel obligated to tell everyone about it.

it started innocuously enough. i went on a date in sf with one of the guys from my tahoe ski trip. took the train in because traffic was horrendous. had a fun time, smooched a bit, (but to be honest i'm really not sure i'm super into him, tho' he's very cool, sweet, considerate, etc.), but generally had a good date. missed the last train home, so he gave me money for the cab ride back to my car in oakland. i got lost with the cabbie on the way to my car. get to my car, get in a CAR ACCIDENT in a shady part of oakland on my way back to tracy's house. (i was in the right lane, car ahead of me in the left lane turned into me to get into the gas station on the right hand side). caused a commotion on the streetcorner (where apparently everyone hangs out at 1am).

this one guy who was riding his bike by at the time stopped and helped out. as i was talking to the folks at 911, he heard that i had a 617 area code and asked if i was from boston - turns out he grew up in dorchester and brookline. and now his parents live in cambridge. and he lived in porter square for a little while. or something. i was distracted. when i was just about ready to go, it went kind of like this.

me (to brookline bike guy): "ok, well, i guess i'm going to go. thanks for your help!"
brookline bike guy: "do you want to get a drink?"
me: "um....ok."

so we met up for a drink down the street (he biked, i drove). which was actually pretty fun, and then i drove him and his bike to his place, where i kissed date #2 and gave him my number.

step 1: date
step 2: car accident
step 3: date

yikes. it was pretty funny. now i'm pretty worn out. but can't help chuckling about it to myself, like, all the time. (even though now i'm totally worried about cars, money, and insurance)

oh, yeah, and i got a haircut.


Blogger Erin S. said...

great to see you the other day--glad to hear about your adventures. Warning--I hope neither smoocher stumbles upon your blog :)

4:10 PM  
Blogger meles said...

oh, i know! buuuuttttt. i'm willing to risk it. it was such a funny night, how could i NOT share!? it was great to see you, too, E! miss you already!

4:58 PM  

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