Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Teenagers = crazy/annoying

Caitlin has a million friends over today (it's a 1/2 day at school, due to finals). They're all in the living room playing video games, and I am the "supervising adult." Which is great - i'm more than happy to do anything for tracy, especially after all she's done for me.

i just never realized how CRAZY 13 year olds can be. they are CRAZY. among the really loud chatter and videogame music, i caught a couple of conversations:

"you do too flirt with elizabeth."
"no i don't"
"whatever you danced with her on saturday."
"she ASKED me to dance."
"she's a bad flirt."
"yeah, she's a totally bad flirt, and you totally flirt with her."

"i want to do drama next year!"
"you like drama?"
"oh my god woodshop is the worst thing ever. most of the time i just sit there by myself..."
"they never have enough sandpaper."
"oh my god that is so funny."
"are you in woodshop?"
"yup, but you never talk to me."
"i do talk to you, but if i don't it's because i'm busy in my woodshop ways."

the girls are all beautiful, and look way older than the boys, who look like *boys*. i mean, 4 feet tall, skinny, awkward, all front teeth - boys. little boys. amazing how different they are at this age. was i like this? no, never. (well. probably. and probably way more irritating.)

they are so loud. my ears are bleeding. (but they immediately posed for the picture. all i had to do was yell "hey guys, SMILE!!" and they all posed - most of them without knowing who the hell i was. suckers.)


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