Tuesday, November 22, 2005

sociology frat house

can't believe i haven't posted about this! last friday adam and i went to a dinner party at the sociology frat house - where i went to a party in oct and knew not a soul.

about 5 guys in the sociology phd program in berkeley live in this house (plus one girl - catherine, a journalism student at uc berkeley, who is awesome). they were having friends over and cooking an amazing, ginormous, organic and super healthy meal. so we arrived at about 6 and helped cook until about 8pm. when we all feasted.

during the meal, we had some music playing from nick's computer. and it was fun, so once the dinner was over, we turned it up. and some people started bobbing their heads to songs they liked. and some people got up and tapped their feet. and a couple of people started dancing. and the next thing i knew, we were doing a conga line around the dinner table to 'walk like an egyptian'. and then someone turned the lights out and someone else moved the table and chairs and it was a dance party. with about 12 people. nerdy people. seriously, everything from brittany spears to the talking heads to michael jackson.

what a fun night. a bunch of nerdy fun people who love to dance and were just enjoying themselves. i think the pivotal moment was when gabe, a usually quiet, 6 foot tall skinny kind of guy, burst into the room with bottle caps in his eye sockets, doing some kind of strange dance with his chest stuck out, hands on his hips, and legs kicking. it was so strange that we all burst out laughing and started dancing.

i seriously threw my back out doing the zombie dance from 'thriller'. but damn, it was a big hit.

while searching for a photo for the above comment (i googled "thriller dance zombie jackson"), i found this CRAZY site - http://www.tess-impersonates-mj.com/school.htm . this girl named tess in sweden apparently knows all of michael jackson's moves, and has videotaped herself in her living room giving an mj dance lesson...to the camera. it is so bizarre. but if you want to know what the thriller dance looks like, you can watch her "instructional" video. yikes. here is a picture of her:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sign seen inside the toilets at most universities :

'Sociology degree - please take one'.

Really they offer a phd in sociology ?

Some people need to really understand that they cannot stay in school for ever and that they most start to make real adult decisions about their lives.

2:12 PM  
Blogger Jeffalou said...


9:32 AM  
Blogger meles said...

ouch, anonymous. that was a little harsh. most of these guys are pretty cool, and have all been in the working world for a number of years before going back to school. and a lot of them are having a tough time reconciling their activist tendencies with their academic lives. you give them - and their discipline - way too little credit.

hey, jeffa! happy thankgsiving!

1:35 PM  

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