Saturday, October 22, 2005

also- (halloween-appropriate)

watching "the scariest places on earth" on the family channel right now. it's the funniest show.

they take a family of "average" americans and put them in a haunted house (usually in europe - scotland, romania, etc.) for one night, strap cameras on them, give them walkie talkies, and set up cameras throughout the house.

all the candles in the house/castle are pre-lit. the family has to wander the house all night looking for ghosts. they have special thermal cameras and cameras that can detect "magnetic fields", so they can record paranormal activity.

each phase of the show is bookmarked by the time - "3:43 am: the olsons are not alone". and each title is read by a creepy high voice. funny thing is, i *know* it's the voice of that short weird lady who was the church organist in "sixteen candles", but they make her talk into an echo machine that makes it sound soooo creepy.

and they all talk to each other and scream periodically when a cabinet door shuts. and then everyone screams and runs around and the cameras (which are handheld) film all over the place.

oh, and it's hilarious. they make the families open "spirit portals" - some scottish guy on a tv tells them to "gather the tools you need (matches, blood - of course - and candles) and say the incantations". then they have to close the spirit portal at the end. it's hilarious. crazy americans running around european casles at midnight with cameras strapped to their chests and screaming bloody murder.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I loved that show when it was on a few years ago. That and the "Fear" show on MTV.

Other than a good laugh the only thing that stayed with me about the show was I remember thinking how good Linda Blair looked in leather pants (pant, pant)!

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jess!
Tim is in Las Vegas celebrating his 30th birthday with is his BD...there about 12 of them there for Tim.. even two guys from Rochester. Can't believe my first born is turning 30!...strange how he ages and I don't...Love your journey...
GM Linda

7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess, what's with the word verification?

7:59 AM  
Blogger meles said...

GM Linda - happy b-day to tim! i hope all of the gang is well and thriving!

also - the word verification is to cut down on blogger spam. otherwise there would be ads for male enhancement products and the like automatically posted to my site.

10:03 PM  

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