Tuesday, March 07, 2006

crazy drunk running dogs

(the race begins)

on saturday, i finished up some work early enough to catch the tail (har -har) end of the Urban Iditarod. Now, I have been wanting to take part in this event ever since i arrived in sf and Jess H. told me all about it. apparently about 12 years ago, some friends decided to found an event based on the great alaskan dogsled race, the iditarod (which takes place on the same day as its urban incarnation).
(the race runs)

they decreed that all participants should dress as dogs of various themes and run in teams, toting a sled (read: shopping cart) full of provisions (read: beer). ever since, the urban iditarod has been confusing the hell out of tourists in san francisco once a year. the iditarod begins in the mission and runs about 3.5 miles to fisherman's wharf (ghiradelli square, to be exact), where dogs stand around, drink beer, listen to music, and basically have a party.

(and runs)

i caught up with the gang at mile 3 - perfect timing! we ran to the end and had a grand old party. our team was "barkback mountain" -hence the cowboy theme. Jeremy was our sheep. Jess is wearing the daringly high-waisted levi's and purple cowboy jersey. our cart featured a painted mountain and a sign that said "i just don't know how to quit you, dawg!"

(barkback sheep and cowgirl)

some teams were less dog-themed: there was a jamaican bobsled team, the ghostbusters, and some guys draped in the brazilian flag (though they clearly weren't brazilian). some were definitely aiming for a canine theme - the dogters fed ailing runners beer through an iv bag; the dalmations dressed as dogs/firemen and annointed their cart with a fire truck facade.

(me'n'ashby - just to prove i was actually there)
all in all, it was a fun day. and i was drunk by 3pm. loads of fun. (and of course i met a million massholes - we likes our beer and silliness). ashby, jess's roommate and fellow smithie, was also there square dancing her heart out with a bunch of other drunk dogs. man, this was a fun day. Unfortuantely.....

(aftermath) the aftermath was a little ugly.


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