Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Hello, Batman.

Sooooooo i went to this really interesting panel/training with tristen today about afterschool enrichment programs. and i did a little networking. and then i met ruth, a friend of a friend of marit's, for lunch. she's very cool, and just moved here from nyc (she also needed a change).

during the course of the day, two weird things happened:

1. ruth's reeeallly small dog, belly, met a reeeeaaallly big dog (see picture).

2. a man in a batman suit walked by me on the street (kind of like this pic). the conversation went a little like this:

me: "hello, batman."

batman: "are you in the game?"

me: ""

batman: "bet you wish you were, though."

later, when ruth and i were sitting at a cafe eating lunch, batman walked by us. about 5 people down the sidewalk saw him and got excited. they yelled "hey, batman!" batman turned, saw them, and took off in the opposite direction. the 5 ran around the corner after him, yelling "hey, batman! come back! we've got you!"

boy, i wish i was in that game.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you had been in the game, you totally would have won it! On a more serious note.. Do you remember when I was the chairperson of the Enrichment Program for Wrentham Elementary? I inherited the fledgling program from the woman you started the idea the year before. The 2nd year, the program grew from offering 3 afterschool programs in the fall to 15 offerings in the fall term, and winter term. There was a tremendous need for after school programs, and on registration night, people would line up two hours early!I took a lot of grief when classes would "close out", and there were people waiting for that particular class. I would have a big postorboard, and a "runner" whose sole job was to keep the openings and closings current on the board. It was crazy! The following year we had 25 offerings ranging from "Chess for Kids", "Cooking for Kids", "Babysitting 101", "Kids Karate", 'Puppetry", "Caligraphy", etc. With the money earned from tuition, I brought fine arts performers to the school. Sometimes the performance was for a particular grade, or sometimes for the whole school. We had storytellers (remember the people in the big, blue, bus who stayed overnight at our house?)and opera, dance, jugglers, science, mini plays, and meet the author events. Tim was in pre-school or half day kindergarten, so he and I got to go to "preview' performances all over the state to help me decide who to bring to Wrentham. It was really fun! I don't know if the Enrichment Program is still in existence, but I could find out, if you want to know more. Although, this "comment" is probably way more than you ever wanted to know on the subject!

9:43 AM  
Blogger meles said...

i do remember, mom, but i had no idea it was so much work! good grief! what an operation you ran. tho' i'm not surprised. way ahead of your time, mom. these programs are everywhere now - nonprofit, for profit, in school and out of school. i wonder if it is still up and running at wrentham. what a cool mom i have!

6:32 PM  

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