Tuesday, September 05, 2006

let's hear it for labor day!

i never realized how good i had it in the union until i got a job with full benefits......and no dental insurance. that's just how it works. no dental. i guess teeth just aren't that important. bummer.

things are generally pretty good. went to TWO baseball games last week. the one on friday night (both were at the a's coliseum in oakland) featured fireworks at the end ("and now, chevron presents, a fireworks spectacular tribute to the stars of motown!").

tooootally cheesy but i loved it. and sang along (with tristen and jess and dave). and bopped a little. they even played my favorite "i want you back" by the jackson five. sigh.

today i'm fighting the same headache i've had for three days. it's pretty awful. ugh. other than that, another sunny day in san francisco. what i wouldn't give for a crisp fall new england day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The only person who really likes change is a baby with a wet diaper." I read this today in my September issue of Young Children just after I read your blog entry about change. So glad you had fun at those ball games. I love Motown! I had a headache for three days last week, but it finally went away, and was related to fall allergies. No fun.

8:09 PM  

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