Sunday, April 09, 2006


so this jingle has been bugging me for a solid 6 months now. and all i could remember were the last words "then you've got a fluffernutter!"

and all i could picture of the old commerical was a kid on a skateboard skating home for a fluffernutter after school. well, i FINALLY tracked down both the jingle AND the commercial with the skateboarding kid!!!!!

**for those of you who DON"T know, a fluffernutter is a sandwich made on white bread with peanut butter and marshmallow fluff. i've been told it's "disgusting" but that's clearly the opinion of someone who has never tried the wonderfulness of fluffernutters.***

SO. there is an entire website devoted to fluff and fluffernutters: and there you will find the jingle and the commercial "oh, you need FLUFF, FLUFF, FLUFF, FLUFF and peanut butter...."

"when you SPREAD, SPREAD, SPREAD your bread with peanutbutter...."

"then you enJOY JOY JOY ENJOY your fluffernutter..."

gosh, what a great site.
ps. i'm watching 'what about bob?' on tv and finally getting all those jokes that leia thought were so hilarious in 7th grade when she thought this was the funniest movie in the world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess, you crazy mo. Why are you posting about Fluffernutters on a Saturday night? Do I need to go out there and take you out.

11:14 AM  
Blogger meles said...

yes. please take me out. TAKE ME OUT!!!! it's been raining for a month straight and i'm losing my mind. most rain here since 1907!!!! i'm not even kidding.

4:06 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

omg, i love what about bob. funniest movie ever!

6:27 PM  

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