Thursday, October 05, 2006

what the hell is fleet week?

whatever it is, it's here. this weekend. the navy descends on san francisco. literally. the blue angels are in town, and red bull is hot on their heels. i guess every year during one weekend (misleadingly, it is not a week), the blue angels do their air show over sf - mostly near my office, here at fort mason and around marina green. i guess they usually fly really close to the city, breaking the sound barrier. word on the street is that some lady had a heart attack a few years ago as a result.

red bull is doing a promotional thing near the show, and as a result have blocked up 2 whole parking lots of free parking near my office. monumental headache.

but the planes are cool. (ooh, planes!) it's kind of that evil g.i. joe instinct that i think most people of a certain age have - regardless of their political orientation or pacifist/green leanings. i always thought the blue angels were cool (remember, when i thought that we were the good guys? we used to be the good guys).

So today they're practicing. right over our building. and we're trying to have a staff meeting with these jets screaming overhead, breaking barriers and deafening our staff. still, it's kinda cool.


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